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Donations are very welcomed here, our volunteers are very eager to lend more than their time and energy by supporting the projects finacially with gifts most indefinitely on their arrival to the projects. it is natural that we can often associate our kids happiness through the toys that they have and the games that they can play with.

However, what we aim to work on and encourage our volunteers to understand is that supporting sustainability for the projects is much more effective in maintaining the well-being of our kids.  


Based on a five 'H' scheme; Health, Home, Hygiene, Human values, Harmony in diversity. Based on these 5 pillars we believe we can build a healthy society

Support the Kids

Plant a Tree  

At Yoga Shala we are proactive at keeping eco-friendly and organic.  We inspire to become self sustaining with the dream of solar panels and producing our own energy. 

Our first steps towards this is that we would like to create a fruit garden. By funding us to buy a tree we will be able to produce a growing garden that will allow us to produce fruits to take to the projects and feed the kids healthier meals more regularly.

In ones lifetime one should plant a tree under whose shade you will never sit.

~ Nelson Mandela

& support our sustainability

Projekt Ubuntu is not a charity or an NGO. We are a social Enterprise, meaning all funds will go directly into supporting our community and expenses will not be spared on commercial advertisement or anything relative to such. This website was created lovingly and paid for by the funding of our volunteers and interns. 
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